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  • Writer's pictureWoodlands Woodstock

Elementary Sports - Inclusivity and Success

Updated: Dec 5, 2020

Tamanaa Hotaki & The Woodstock Team January 2020

The Woodlands elementary sports teams this year have had loads of fun, and have also had some successes. We’ve had many sports teams like soccer, CO-ED flag football, and volleyball. The girls and boys volleyball teams had a riveting rivalry to beat each other, which from my personal experience helped motivate the girls team when they lost hope. Both teams tried their best and had a lot of fun, the most important part of being on a sports team in the first place. Surprisingly, this year both the girls and the boys volleyball team finished in the same place, leaving the rivalry to be settled another year. Shockingly, the girls weren’t even going to have a team at first because the usual coach was not available, but thanks to Mrs. Rand and Ms. Jimenez, that did not happen. They took it upon themselves to coach the team, even if they weren't professionals. The girl’s team sincerely thanks Mrs. Rand and Ms. Jimenez for doing that and giving up their lunches for them! The flag football team was the only CO-ED sport as of yet, and will likely be the last. This happened because there were not enough girls that wanted to try out for a girls team, but there were a few girls who were very enthusiastic about the sport. After seeing their skillset, the coach decided to add a couple of girls to the boys team. They were treated no differently from the boys, which led to cooperation and cohesiveness within the team. When the team arrived at the tournament, they quickly realized that they were the only team with girls on it, getting a couple “looks”. Nevertheless, the team ignored these looks and hyped each other up as a team. It was a bit of a rough start as they ended up losing their first game, but with the motivation of earning a pizza party with a win, they went into the second game more hungry than ever (both literally and figuratively). They ended up winning the game, leaving the tournament happy and excited about their pizza party. The elementary sports teams at The Woodlands are all super competitive, inclusive and most of all, enthusiastic. A couple of upcoming tryouts include basketball, badminton, cross country and softball, so be sure to come out and to listen to the announcements for important information.

(Images to come. We apologize)

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