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For access to PDF's of our past printed editions of the Woodstock, use these links.


Printed Editions 2022-23:

Semester 1

Features: Truth and Reconciliation, Fall Crossword, Madlibs, British Parliamentary Provincials, Halloween Hauntings at the Woods,  Haunted House Comic, The Secret of Salvatore's Circus, The Artistic Magic Behind the Beauty (and the Beast), Beauty and the Beast Orchestra, Beauty and the Beast Behind the Scenes, Grade 11 Rep, MSA

Semester 2

Features: Gender-Based Violence, DECA Provincials, Health and Wellness SHSM, Grade 9 Rep, Spring Crossword, Madlibs, International Bazaar, Student Trustee Candidate, Pop Culture Corner: Movies, Spring Sports


Printed Editions 2021-22:

Semester 1

Features: Drama Club's Open Stage, Pumpkins and Polaroids, Golf, Truth and Reconciliation, Islamic Heritage Month, Math Contests, Grade 12 Rep

Semester 2

Features: Blursed Art Event, WoodsUnsolved, Grade Events, Amnesty Club, Student Protests, Senior Girls Volleyball, Math Contests, Grade 11 Rep Chat, Woodlands Book Club, BSA


Printed Editions 2019-20:

Semester 1

Features: Be Like Terry Crew, Environmental Council, Flag Football, Senior Boys Volleyball, OFSAA Cross Country, Madame Barbier Feature, Elementary Corner


Printed Editions 2018-19:

Semester 1

Features: Prefects, DECA, Model UN, Medlife, Hockey, Elementary Corner​

Semester 2

Features: International Bazaar, Springfest, The Laramie Project, Basketball, Debate, Elementary Corner


Printed Editions 2017-18:

Semester 1

Features: SAC, Elementary Corner, Cross Country (and Sports), Prefects, DECA, Principal's Reception, HOSA, AFS, Welcome Back Ms. Devenish

Semester 2

Features: Music, High School Musical, Robotics, DECA, Sports, Elementary Corner, International Bazaar

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