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Florence - A Taste of the Renaissance

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

By Victor Chao May 2019

Florence, “La Culla Del Rinascimento” (the cradle of the Renaissance), is a showcase of thousands of years of history. Known as the “Athens of the Middle Ages”, and the second leg of the Woodlands concert band Europe trip, the Florence that we got to experience was truly a landmark of what once was.

Having marked the end of the first leg of our Italy tour with a successful performance in Bologna, our trip to Florence started off with a painstakingly long bus ride from Bologna to our hotel in Florence. However, the scenery that we passed through during this bus ride foreshadowed the beauty that Florence would hold, and therefore made our wait worthwhile. After wisely spending a few hours to catch up on some sleep, the buses finally pulled up to Hotel Londra, the place that we would call home for the next three days.

The immediate charm that Florence held was surprising to say the least. Having been used to modern office buildings and suburbs in Canada, the old medieval houses and vast fortresses was definitely unexpected. It was through Florence that we were able to truly put life in Renaissance Italy into perspective, from the large Duomo that spanned the as far as the eye could see in the centre of the city, to the long winding roads that allowed us to glimpse the true size of the city. The architecture and art in Florence was equally impressive, as we got to witness such incredible sites as the Basilica di Santa Croce, a church filled with tombs of famous Renaissance artists and exquisite art, and the Accademia, the museum containing the world-renowned Statue of David.

However, the true appeal that Florence held for many of us was the community that surrounded the city. Florence was a city in which everyone seemed to know each other, and have a bond with the community. Riddled with homey family run shops and restaurants with welcoming owners, the vibrant and friendly community gave us a refreshing break from the detached cities and corporate-owned chain stores and restaurants back home.

With no set schedule for the most part, Florence was a city that we could go off and truly explore on our own. From bartering with sharp stall vendors at the San Lorenzo Market, to simply exploring old shops and buildings as we walked with no destination in mind, the possibilities presented to us were endless. Florence allowed us to experience Italy in its raw and intimate form, and gave us lasting memories for a lifetime.

El Duomo is one of the most extraordinary things that we got to see in Italy.

The view from the Ponte Vecchio, one of Florence's biggest highlights.

Inside the Basilica di Santa Croce.

The Statue of David is world renowned. It is huge!

"...As we walked with no destination in mind, the possibilities presented to us were endless..."

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