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  • Writer's pictureWoodlands Woodstock

Holiday Cheer at the Woods

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

By Sarra Shaker and Minhah Amin

With the break right around the corner, elementary students at The Woodlands spread the holiday spirit with their friends and teachers. During this time, VOICE, the elementary SAC equivalent, organized events for the elementary students in the school. Elementary's Ugly Sweater Day was one of these VOICE events. Students and teachers alike wore their hideous sweater to show their holiday spirit, with students being given Jolly Ranchers as a reward for this. Also, just like SAC, elementary had its own candy grams, where they handed out Warhead candy grams. The Warhead candy canes, which were a pleasant change from the regular candy canes that are typically given out, had encouraged many students to buy these candy grams. VOICE’s candy gram sale was so successful, that they were able to sell more than 120 candy grams this year! Another magnificent event at The Woodlands was Pajama day, which students enjoyed immensely. What’s easier than waking up and not changing for school? PJ day was a great way to remind students that a person is never too old to wear pyjamas to school! Many participated in this wonderful occasion, which was hosted by SAC, because they were able to bring their stuffed animals, and use them as headrests while doing work or listening to teachers during a lesson. In conclusion, the spirit days and events organized by Voice during the holiday season were great, but that is not the end of it. Many other events were also successful, such as Crazy Hair Day. Keep up the great work VOICE!

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