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The Elementary Super Club

Updated: Dec 5, 2020

Tamanaa Hotaki January 2020

From creating spirit days to organizing dances, VOICE is all of the high school’s clubs put together as one. This Student Activity Council (SAC)-like club organizes spirit events, such as “we rule the school day”, in which the elementary students take charge of the cafeteria due to the absence of the high school students as a result of exams. They raise money for charity as well, much like the well-known Prefects, by selling candy grams and collecting food items. For example, if you brought a non-perishable food item as a donation, they’d give you a free candygram. The food and money collected are donated to one of the families our school was fundraising for, hopefully helping to make life just a little bit better for them. Towards the end of the year, VOICE, like the Woodlands Athletic Association, will hold intramurals for ultimate frisbee. This was a great success last year and usually gets some healthy competition started among the elementary students. At the end of the year, they also create a video yearbook made up of photos taken at various events throughout the year. This is similar to the yearbook committee, except the yearbooks are given out for free. VOICE also organizes all of the elementary spirit days and even comes up with a few of them. A spirit day organized earlier this year was “pajama day”, in which, regardless of whether you are an elementary student or not, anyone wearing pajamas was given a free S’more and a chance to enter a raffle for a prize. Some other successful events and spirit days they’ve done are the “Halloween Dance” - which can be remembered for the eleven boxes of pizza sold in less than ten minutes - and “red/green day”. They also host the Legacy Award, along with a 200$ cash prize, which is given to a grade 12 student who has been at the school from grade 7 or 8, at the small expense of writing a short essay. Some annual events and spirit days are “Vinter Week” and the “Spring Dance”. “Vinter Week” is all about convincing kids to play out in the snow instead of staying inside for lunch. For “Vinter Week”, the club organizes and leads a variety of fun activities; the more activities you do, the more raffle tickets you get, for a chance to win a prize. The “Spring Dance” has a tropical theme, unlike the Halloween dance, and will have fun games like limbo and a hula hoop contest. It will be as great as or even greater than the “Halloween Dance” so be sure to come out for that later this year! All in all, VOICE helps build leadership skills and allows elementary students to reach out of their comfort zone through the several different events they organize. They may do all of the things that the high school clubs do, but VOICE combines the efforts of many of these clubs to make life at the Woodlands just a bit better for everyone.

(Images to come. We apologize)

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