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The Voice Legacy Award

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

By Minhah Amin

Each year, Voice awards a deserving grade 12 student with The Voice Legacy Award. Throughout the entire year, Voice fundraises money for the Legacy Award, so they can assist their older peers with the next steps of their education. Any grade 12 student can apply for The Voice Legacy Award, if they meet all the terms and rules of the award. This includes that the grade 12 student needs to have attended Woodlands for both their elementary and secondary school years, must have demonstrated good citizenship and responsibility in their academic studies throughout their tenure at The Woodlands. If anybody is interested in applying for the Voice Legacy Award, and fulfills all the rules and terms of the award, they may do so.

If someone would like to apply for the Voice Legacy Award and they fulfill all the terms, than the candidate must answer two questions; “How did being in Woodlands during elementary school help you in your high school years?” and, “What advice would you give to the VOICE reps who will be soon entering their high school years at the Woodlands School?”. If you are capable of answering these two question in less that 500 words, you may apply for the Voice Legacy Award. Earning the Voice Legacy Award is a great way to help you in your future life. The Voice Legacy Award will help you with the money for your life after high school, therefore you can be successful after your time at The Woodlands.

This year’s award will be given out in June. Stay tuned for who wins this prestigious award, and if you think that you are eligible, you are encouraged to apply in the future. Good luck to this year’s nominees, and congratulations to the recipient.

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