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The Woodlands Announces Athletics Awards Winners

We spoke to coaches, WAA executives and the Athletes of the Year themselves to get some insight to the incredible talent and sportsmanship that these athletes showed on and off the field. The strength of The Woodlands' athletics shown brightly.

Sydney Norrie | April 9, 2020

Celebrating the accomplishments of students is such a special part of the high school experience. On February 23, though few events have taken place over the last year, The Woodlands was fortunate to get a taste of these celebrations with the announcement of The Woodlands’ Athletic Awards over the morning announcements as well as via an Instagram post from the WAA. Huge congratulations are in order for Linda Zhao and Harrison Yang, the Athletes of the Year. In addition, the athletics honours recipients for this year are: Helen Dong, Ethan Falby, Brendan Fox, Mitchell Fox, Juliana Hendrikx, Olivia Hendrikx, Kayla McDougall, Matthew Prenevost, Simran Singh, and Rebecca Street. These students have all made amazing contributions to athletics throughout their time at The Woodlands and it is so great that we are able to recognize them despite the lack of sports in this tumultuous year.

Athlete of the Year is a huge honour and an ongoing tradition at The Woodlands. The Athlete of the Year is chosen based on both their athletic skill and their contribution to the team, and is usually awarded to two grade 12 students - one male and one female - based on their four years as an athlete at The Woodlands. “You’ve got to be someone that is a good teammate, but also someone that has some leadership or leads by example, or has some high degree of excellence on the playing field.” says Mr. Grandy, the athletic director at The Woodlands. He is responsible for overseeing the athletic banquet, awards, MVPs, and most improved player for each sports team. However, Athlete of the Year is a decision made by all of the sports coaches at The Woodlands; Mr. Grandy simply (in his words) “gets the ball rolling”.

Some amendments were made to the Honours and Athlete of the Year awards this year given the circumstances of this year. If a student began a sport in the spring of 2020, this was counted in their achievements. Additionally, if a student excels at sport that was cancelled due to the pandemic, this was taken into consideration. However, when it came to Athlete of the Year, their impact on athletics came first and foremost. In short, “We’re looking for someone that has a lot of success on the field. But we’re also looking for leadership and sportsmanship, and things like that.” Mr. Grandy explains.

Among the sports The Woodlands is beginning to shine in are cross-country running and track-&-field. Juliana and Olivia Hendrikx went to OFSAA for both sports, Helen Dong won medals in track, and Mitchell Fox took part in both sports.

The athletes recognized this year have made amazing contributions to athletics at The Woodlands. “This was the strongest group of athletes we have at The Woodlands in my six years.” Mr. Grandy says. “I will also say that this was the toughest year ever, for choosing Female Athlete of the Year. This was by far the most competitive Female Athlete of the Year we’ve had in my six years at The Woodlands... So it is a tough, tough decision for all the coaches.” Mr. Grandy explains.

Brendan Fox, one of the co-Presidents of the Woodlands Athletic Association (WAA) and an athletics honours recipient, was also quick to point out that this group of athletes showcased the large variety of strong sports teams and athletes that The Woodlands has. “If I had to choose one thing to highlight, I’d have to highlight the fact that there are so many different sports included in the mix of this year’s awards. There were 4 players or more from frisbee, baseball, volleyball, track/cross-country, and hockey.”

Harrison Yang, Linda Zhao, Helen Dong and Matthew Prenevost all took part in volleyball at some point during their time at The Woods.

In addition to the awards for athletic achievement, Brendan Fox and Simran Singh won Contributions to Athletics, predominantly for their roles as co-presidents of the WAA, but also for their contributions as athletes and as volunteers throughout their time at The Woods. Brendan became co-president in Grade 11 which is a very rare accomplishment. Mr Grandy was also quick to mention that the WAA executives have done a great job over the years and are working hard to do great things despite the circumstances this year. “I like being the teacher sponsor for WAA because I love watching the students run the club... I get to watch these impressive young people come in and take over a club and run it so well. As well as I could run it and that always makes me feel really good.”

Harrison Yang, the male Athlete of the Year is a fantastic athlete, team-player, and leader. Throughout his time at The Woodlands, Harrison has participated in baseball, ultimate frisbee, hockey, and volleyball, while also being an executive for the WAA this year. His coaches and teammates have nothing but praise for his accomplishments. “I’ve had the absolute joy of playing sports with Harrison for many years,” says Brendan. “I noticed Harrison’s easy-going personality right away - he was always willing to listen and learn. He was always someone I could count on for not only good play, but support as a teammate and a generally great attitude for sports.”

Believe it or not, this was the best image of Harrison we could get access to as of right now. Trust us when we say he is much better looking in real life :) Sorry Harrison!

Mrs. Martin, Harrison’s Grade 11 volleyball coach says, “Harrison - he is a wonderful athlete. He improved dramatically over the season because of his hardwork and dedication. He also has a quiet way about him that supports team unity and success. For example, he was always the first one to start setting up the net or help take it down. This type of commitment to the team is what made us so successful.”

When speaking with Harrison about his accomplishment, he said, “It’s definitely really cool to win this award and have my picture hung up in the school, sort of like leaving a legacy. It’s also nice to have something tangible that manifested out of all the time and effort I invested over the past few years.”

He also added a piece of advice to present and future athletes at The Woodlands: “Just go for it! If there’s a sport you want to play, don’t be scared to try out for the team, even if it’s your first time.” Hopefully others can follow in Harrison's incredible example as an athlete of the year.

Linda Zhao, the female Athlete of the Year, is a dedicated and talented athlete as well as a bright light in The Woodlands athletic community. While at The Woodlands, Linda competed in volleyball, ultimate frisbee, badminton, and table tennis. She is also a member or executive in a variety of clubs, including being co-president of the Woodlands’ esteemed DECA chapter. Linda’s coaches and peers all spoke very high praise of her commitment and positivity on and off the field. “For Linda, it was her attitude towards sports that always impressed me,” Brendan explains. “Whether it was volleyball, badminton, or frisbee, she always had a smile on her face and looked thrilled to be here. But when it came to the big point of a game, she was serious and always seemed to be heavily involved when it mattered.”

Yeah, Linda was pretty good at what she did.

“I know all of our coaches spoke highly of her as an athlete on the field, but also as a teammate and a leader on the court,” Mr. Grandy adds.

Linda explains her feelings on winning Athlete of the Year: “There are so many great athletes at our school, and it feels amazing to even just be recognized as one of them, nevermind as female athlete of the year. It’s really the cherry on top of all of the fulfilling experiences I’ve had from being an athlete.”

When asked about her favourite part of being an athlete at The Woodlands, Linda says without a doubt, the community. “The community at The Woodlands is overwhelmingly supportive of its athletes. I have always felt like I was part of a family when playing on my teams, and I know I’m going to miss that feeling when I graduate,” she says. In addition, Linda would like to say a huge thank you to The Woodlands athletics department. “From Mr. Grandy to the coaches, staff sponsors, and students, each and every person I’ve met through sports has taught me something new. I am eternally grateful for my time spent playing sports at The Woodlands.” The Woodlands athletic community is very proud of Linda’s incredible accomplishment.

The Woodlands is lucky to have such talented athletes and leaders. We are proud to be able to acknowledge these students and their incredible accomplishments. These athletes have made a huge difference in The Woodlands community and have inspired others to follow in their footsteps. Though sports are not running this year due to the circumstances, it is clear that they have had an immeasurable impact on The Woodlands and it’s students.

Editor note: Thank you to all of the staff and students who aided with this article: Mr. Grandy, Mrs. Martin, Linda Zhao, Harrison Yang and Brendan Fox. And special thanks to all of the staff involved in coaching school sports teams over the years and to all of the students involved with the WAA. And to all the current and future athletes at the Woodlands, including all of those who may not even consider yourself an athlete yet: good luck in all of your future endeavours - you are capable of more than you'll ever know.

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