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Look On The Bright Side: Uplifting Trends in A Pandemic Year

Sydney Norrie | May 14, 2021 In light of all of the tough times that we have all faced, The Woodstock decided it would be a nice change to write something uplifting, and hopefully, relatable for all of our readers. So we looked into what was going on in the homes of Woodlands students, since, after all, they have been spending a lot of time in them.

Without a doubt, we are all spending a lot of time at home. Image courtesy of Ronik A.

There is no doubt that the COVID-19 pandemic has made a large impact in all of our lives. The devastation that has occurred over the past year is not something that any of us will forget, for better or worse. However, looking on the bright side and appreciating some of the positive things that have come about can be an effective way to improve our mental health during these times. Here is a list of 6 things happening in the Woodlands community - and around the world - that we can all hopefully take some time to appreciate.

1. Explore your Area

One of the downsides to the COVID-19 pandemic has been the abrupt stop to a vast majority of travel. While exploring a new country or city is something many enjoy and look forward to when they get the chance, these times have allowed many to do a different type of exploring... discovering their own neighbourhood. Whether it is a beautiful park, a new walking or biking trail, or even a lookout you didn't know existed, the stop on travel has allowed people to travel 15min down the road and discover all of the beauty right in their own backyard. Being outdoors is also a great way to destress, re-center, and get some fresh air.

Additionally, the time spent at home has encouraged many people to “shop local” to help save the many small businesses at risk. Perhaps you might have found a new favourite store or a restaurant to order takeout. This, of course, is a great thing for everyone in our community.

Going for a walk, run or bike ride, or maybe going to the cottage, can all mean coming across some cool sights. Photos on center and right from Yifei Ma.

2. Bonding Families

During the past year, there has been no shortage of time spent with family. Many teenagers who were used to spending a lot of their time with friends and peers have now had to resort to socializing with those they live with. While there have surely been some brawls with siblings or times when your parents won’t stop getting on your nerves, quality time has definitely been enjoyed. Whether it is movie night, board game frenzies, or just a daily meal together, there have definitely been some enjoyable family experiences.

3. The View From the Window

The backyard has become pretty interesting. You can even meet some new friends!

When there is not much excitement or variety in day-to-day activities, the weather makes a much bigger difference in our mood than it used to. There is certainly a newfound appreciation for what it’s like outside the all-too-familiar walls of our homes. The bird we saw in our backyard is suddenly a lot more interesting. The cute dog walking down the sidewalk is the highlight of our entire day. While these things have always been a part of our lives, many other sights and thoughts tend to take precedent. However, without places to go and things to see at every moment of the day, these typical things have suddenly become a lot more interesting.

4. COVID Puppies

With many people at home all of the time, families need something to focus their energy on. And what better thing than a new (and furry) member of the family! The number of pets in shelters has decreased by a tremendous amount in the past 13 months, not just for dogs but for animals of all shapes and sizes. On, the number of inquiries for adoption jumped 122% at the beginning of the pandemic, while the ASPCA saw a 500% increase in the number of applications they received. The stay-at-home orders have given families a chance to stay home and take care of a new pet that they might not have gotten otherwise. This is great news for both the pets who are finding a loving home and the humans who are revelling in the joy of having a new furry friend.

My (Sydney's) puppy!

Some puppies are Instagram hits, like Zuki here! Photos from Janhavi Gupta.

5. New Hobbies

Some people have gotten into cooking or baking...

Given the large amount of free time that many have right now, people have resorted to finding a new hobby to occupy their time. While the extensive time at home is likely not going to last forever, the hobbies and skills that you have learned may continue to be a significant part of your life. Whether it is cooking, reading, sports, or a new artistic talent, there have been lots of newfound passions that have been able to get us through the past year. Perhaps this is something that will be noticeable at The Woodlands when school events return.

Others have tried to find a way to stay active or fit.

6. End in Sight

While all of these small things have helped us get through the multiple waves of COVID-19, the most significant thing to remember is that the end is getting closer. Vaccines are being inoculated, countries around the world are beginning to open up, and plans are being made for future travel and events. This has introduced the now all-too-common question, what do you look forward to most after the pandemic is over? The answer may be different for all of us, but there is certainly something for everyone to look forward to. The past year has been a difficult one but thanks to the incredible work of healthcare workers, scientists, and frontline workers, we have managed as best as we could. Keeping that in mind can make a huge difference in how we feel and give us the perseverance we need to keep going.

We can see the light on the horizon. Photo credited to Yifei Ma

Here are 6 things that have hopefully found you some moments of joy during the past 13 months. It can help to keep these in mind as we get through each day, and to look forward to all the great things that are to come. New interests, relationships, excitement and technologies are going to propel us through this pandemic and onto a new and hopefully even better future. While it may be the most common cliché of them all, there certainly is some light at the end of the tunnel.

Thank you to Yifei Ma for his incredible photos and to Janhavi and Ronik for their images. The rest of the images come from members of the Woodstock team including Mitchell Fox, Saraniya Raveendra and Sydney Norrie.

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