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  • Writer's pictureWoodlands Woodstock

The Tropical Dance

Updated: Nov 9, 2019

By Minhah Amin

This year, the Woodlands elementary student council, known as VOICE, hosted another dance for the elementary students of the school, and it was a huge success. This dance was Spring-themed due to do the fact that, of course, Spring was just around the corner. The students at the dance had a wonderful time, even mentioning that this dance was better than the Halloween dance that took place earlier in the year. During the dance, VOICE entertained the crowd with many different activities, one of which was musical bingo. This is, of course, similar to any other version of Bingo, however, instead of someone reading off numbers, students heard songs from the dance and if the title of the song was on their bingo card, mark it down. The first person to get 5 songs in a row would win the game. The winner received a combo of 2 slices of pizza, a pop and a spring roll. Another activity VOICE organized for this dance was a limbo contest. At first, the stick started at about chest level. Then, the “stick” got lower and lower until only one person could get below the “stick”, earning them a prize of a free spring roll from VOICE. Another game VOICE hosted was a Hula Hoop contest. For this game, VOICE called a few people from the dance floor up to the stage to hula hoop. The person who hula-hooped the longest would win and advance to the next round. The 4 winners from the 4 different rounds then competed in a final round, with the winner receiving a free spring roll from VOICE. Throughout the dance, VOICE handed out leis, which are garlands of flowers often used in tropical-themed parties, to anyone that was dancing. This created a tropical scene which really cheered up the lulling crowd. Everyone at the dance had a great time, hanging out with their friends and getting a break from all the work they faced in both school and life. VOICE was very pleased with the way that the Spring Dance turned out - and all the positive feedback they got - and hoped that every other future dance could be as successful as this one.

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